
香煎鸭胸烩蔬菜|Pan fried duck breast with vegetables

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最近在减脂的小可爱们今天可以绕道走了,今天这餐跟你没缘,减脂任务完成了再回来吧~ 虽然这餐完全不用油,氮素带皮鸭胸自身就好油喔,那为什么还要吃呢?馋呀,而且偶尔吃些香香的食物幸福指数会高辣么一点点


香煎鸭胸烩蔬菜|Pan fried duck breast with vegetables的做法步骤

步骤 1

鸭胸腌料混合在一起,轻轻揉匀,备用 Marinate the duck and softly rub it a little bit, then set aside

步骤 2

平底锅中火烧热(不放油)转中小火鸭胸皮朝下煎出油,加入洋葱(切碎切丝随意)一直煎至洋葱金黄,捞出备用 Preheat a pan(do not add oil) and place the duck on it's skin. add the onions and pan fry until golden brown, take the onion out and set aside

步骤 3


步骤 4

大约4分钟后鸭皮呈现金黄色将鸭胸翻面继续煎 Cook about 4 minutes, when the duck skin turn to golden brown turn it over and keep fry

步骤 5

加入胡萝卜煎一煎,炒一炒,再加入蘑菇等易熟蔬菜继续翻炒(鸭胸就挤在锅子角落里自己玩耍就好了,蔬菜基本炒熟时加黑胡椒、一丢丢糖(提味用,可省)意大利混合香草,盐,翻炒两下挤点柠檬汁上去就好啦(鸭胸油炒出来的蔬菜略微有点油,柠檬汁解点腻,吃不出酸味的,剩下的柠檬挤出柠檬汁兑气泡苏打水吧,和鸭胸一起喝刚刚好) Add chopped carrots, mushrooms and continue to fry. you can also choose to add a pinch of sugar, or not, depending on your personal preference. If the duck looks too oily, add a touch of lemon juice to balance it out. (if you do use lemon, then think about using the leftovers to make lemonade.)

步骤 6
步骤 6


步骤 7


香煎鸭胸烩蔬菜|Pan fried duck breast with vegetables的小贴士

> 剩余的辣椒保鲜膜封好冰箱冷藏,3天内吃掉,辣椒维C蛮高的,听说是蔬菜之冠,每天吃点蛮好的,甜椒不辣不易上火)配菜可以搜刮一下自己的冰箱,今天大丈夫料理,开心就好 Store the leftover peppers in the fridge and consume them within three days (remember "waste not want not") , Peppers are pretty high vitamin C, so it's always good to eat them when you can. If you want to get creative and add some other vegetables into the side dish, then feel free to >酸性食物能提高脂肪燃烧,如果柠檬苏打水里再加点姜汁就更嗨了,自己榨姜汁哦,不要买超市的调料姜汁

菜谱创建时间:2019-05-16 12:46:18