
奶汁西葫芦烤意面/Zucchini Carbonara(vegetarian)

1536人浏览 93人收藏 0人做过
作者: Heather_Raeberry
意面pasta,素食vegetarian,快手菜quick cook


奶汁西葫芦烤意面/Zucchini Carbonara(vegetarian)的做法步骤

步骤 1

用料如图,除了油盐黑椒没在图上。这里的蘑菇原方使用的是培根,我为减少加工类肉摄入用蘑菇代替。蔬菜类食材可以根据自己口味调整,毕竟饭是做给自己吃的。 Most ingredients are shown in the photo. This recipe is suitable for vegetarians.

步骤 2

开水煮加适量盐,三团意式干面下锅煮至弹牙。 A pan of salted boiling water, add the nests. Cook until al dente.

步骤 3

蔬菜切片,蒜切片。 Slice vegetables.

步骤 4

干酪刨碎。 Grate the cheese.

步骤 5

热锅倒入少量食用油,我用的橄榄油,加入黄油融化。 In a frying pan heat oil and butter, till butter melts.

步骤 6
步骤 6

加蒜瓣,翻炒几下。 Add garlic into frying pan.

步骤 7

加入西葫芦翻炒,加适量盐和黑椒调味。 Add courgettes into frying pan, and season with salt and black pepper.

步骤 8

西葫芦炒软一点点后加入其余蔬菜,适度翻炒以防过度粘锅,如果太干可以加入少量煮面的水,至炒熟。 Fry the courgettes a bit, and then add rest vegetables. Keep pan at high heat, add water from pasta, and stir regularly.

步骤 9

分离蛋白和蛋黄,只用蛋黄,蛋白部分随便怎么吃吧。 Separate yolks and whites from eggs.

步骤 10

牛奶加入蛋黄中,可以将将没过蛋黄即可。 Add enough milk to cover the yolks.

步骤 11

鸡蛋牛奶混合物中加入一半的干酪,混合均匀。 Add half of the grated cheese to yolks and milk.

步骤 12

混合均匀,即为后边需要用到的汤汁。 Mix thoroughly, till mixture is smooth. This is the sauce.

步骤 13

意面熟后沥干水,加入炒锅中。 When pasta(tagliatelle) cooked add to vegetables.

步骤 14

将意面与蔬菜混合,混合过程中记得把锅底的嘎巴(或者叫锅巴)刮起来和面菜混在一起。这才是这道菜名字的由来,也是这道菜味道中非常重要的一部分。 Mix the pasta in the pan, cleaning off the burnt bits (carbonara) from the bottom of the pan.

步骤 15

锅离火,待稍凉后加入蛋奶和乳酪的混合物,用余温慢慢将其烹熟。如果这时候还继续加热的话,鸡蛋熟的太快就成蛋炒面了,达不到面与汁完美混合的效果。切记! Take the pan off the heat, let it cool a bit (it is important!). Add the sauce to the pan, keep mixing, make sure sauce cook slowly, other wise sauce will become like scrambled eggs.

步骤 16

装盘,剩余的干酪洒在面上,根据个人口味加盐或者胡椒调味即可。慢用! Serve with the rest of the grated cheese, season with salt and pepper to taste. Bon appetite!

奶汁西葫芦烤意面/Zucchini Carbonara(vegetarian)的小贴士


菜谱创建时间:2019-03-01 07:18:43