

334人浏览 2人收藏 0人做过
作者: lavenderess
年糕 Ingredients: Part I 3个蛋 1杯糖 3杯奶 3勺 sour cream or 酸奶 (option) 1 teaspoon Vanilla 一袋糯米粉 大半杯椰子油 (化开) Part ll ½ 包 红豆沙 1 把核桃仁 1把白芝麻 Procedure Mix all Part I ingredients well in a Mix bowl, then rest for about 15 minutes Pour ⅔ pulp into baking pan 11 x 7.5 x 1.5. Bake about 30 mins at 350 degrees, then Take the cake out and spread Red paste 红豆沙 on the top of the cake evenly Pour the rest of pulp on the cake first, then sprinkle walnuts and white sesame seeds on Return the cake to oven and bake it for another 30 mins at 350 degrees. Turn into low Broil for 3-4 mins, then take it out for cooling down. Cut into small pieces after cooling down



步骤 1


菜谱创建时间:2019-02-25 08:51:01