把柿子切成小块 哈哈不用太整齐 cut the sharon fruits into small pieces no need to be neat
用手动料理棒 把柿子 鸡蛋 红薯 杏仁酱 和盐打成糊状 (简单粗暴 my style 😂😄) Use a hand blender to blend the sharon fruit eggs ,cooked sweet potato, almond paste and salt into a paste (simple and rusty)
加入全麦面粉搅拌均匀 再加入葡萄干 核桃仁 肉桂粉 肉豆蔻粉 放置5-10分钟让他们大家彼此熟悉一下 Add the flour into the paste, mix well. Then add in raisins, walnut halves, cinnamon powder, shaved nutmeg. Leave for 5-10 minutes so they blend well.
加入小苏打和泡打粉 放入长盒蛋糕模具中 烤箱预热180 振出大气泡 放入烤箱 Pre heat the oven to 180C. Add in the baking soda and baking powder and put the mixture into a rectangle tin. Shake once before put into oven.
烤70-80分钟 拿筷子叉一下底部 出来不粘在筷子上就熟了(其实闻见香味就熟了) 味道超好 蛋糕口感也很湿润哦 配上茶 在阴雨绵绵的秋天 室内好享受 也不用太担心腰围😉 Bake for 70-80 minutes. Use a screw or chopstick to test if the bottom is cooked- if it turn out clean it is done Enjoy the cake with a cup of tea on a raining autumn afternoon