Making cake mixture as step 1 to step 5: Cream the sugar and butter together in a bowl untill pale and fluffy. 打发黄油和糖,到细腻羽毛状。
In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and vanilla extract with a fork. 另外用一个碗搅散鸡蛋和香草精。
Pour in the eggs mixture and combine it with butter and sugar. 把鸡蛋香草精的混合物拌进黄打发的黄油中。 原方中没有说明,实际上在这一步,当加入鸡蛋混合物后,需要电动搅拌器继续工作一两分钟,使新加入的食材与之前的食材充分混合。
Sift the flour into the bowl. You can tap the sieve with your hand to help the flour through. 面粉筛入。
Use a spatula to fold everything together. Do this carefully so you don’t flatten the bubbles. 用刮刀把所有的东西拌到一起,这一步需小心轻快,以免消泡。
Making cupcakes as step 6 to step 8: Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line texas muffin tin with 6 paper cases. 把步骤五放到模具里。 纸杯蛋糕模具大小不一,如果是普通模具的话,这些材料能做10个左右(如封面图片);如果是德克萨斯玛芬模具(最大的那种,此图示),正好是6个的量;迷你玛芬模具能做出12个。
Use a spoon to divide the cake mixture between the cases.
Bake in the oven for 25 minutes until golden and just firm. Cool in the tins for 5 minutes, then move to a cool rack. 180°,25分钟。拿出晾凉。 成品相当不错,奶香温暖了四周。不用在乎是否开裂,当它被糖霜装饰一新后,谁会在乎被覆盖了的是裂了还是不裂呢?!
二倍材料的量做出六个cafe style 的大杯子,这就是明天的行军干粮啦!💪
It’s important to cream the butter and sugar and beat the eggs well to get a lot of air into the mixture. This will help your cakes rise.