预热烤箱180度。把三文鱼横着切开摊平。 Preheat oven to 180C. Butterfly salmon fillet. (在超市买的两块鱼240g用了100奶酪。横着片它,不把三文鱼完全切断)
布里奶酪抹在鱼片上面。撒上葱花、蒜、香料、辣椒。把鱼片合拢。 Spread Brie inside. Sprinkle with spring onions, herb mix, garlic and chilli flakes. Close fold over.
放在烘培纸上。如果喜辣可在外面再撒点辣椒。喷上橄榄油,放进烤箱。 Place on baking paper in a tray, sprinkle chilli flakes on top, if desired. Spray with olive oil. Bake for 20 minutes.
烤二十分钟后取出,翻面。如果需要,再洒辣椒,并喷上橄榄油,再烤20分钟。完成~ Carefully turn salmon over, add more chilli flakes, if desired, and spray with oil. Bake for a further 20 minutes. 鱼皮脆的不得了,撒一点干香料,等一会儿就被吸满了油,超有食欲~ (❛ᴗ❛人)✧