
烤三文鱼夹布里Salmon Stuffed Brie

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作者: 一个好蛋
忘记在哪里看到的说三文鱼和布里奶酪夹在一起烤很好吃。就网上搜了个简单的菜谱照做了一下,真的好美味~ 原链接: https://www.bestrecipes.com.au/recipe/brie-stuffed-salmon-L10191.html 简单,值得一试~


烤三文鱼夹布里Salmon Stuffed Brie的做法步骤

步骤 1

预热烤箱180度。把三文鱼横着切开摊平。 Preheat oven to 180C. Butterfly salmon fillet. (在超市买的两块鱼240g用了100奶酪。横着片它,不把三文鱼完全切断)

步骤 2

布里奶酪抹在鱼片上面。撒上葱花、蒜、香料、辣椒。把鱼片合拢。 Spread Brie inside. Sprinkle with spring onions, herb mix, garlic and chilli flakes. Close fold over.

步骤 3

放在烘培纸上。如果喜辣可在外面再撒点辣椒。喷上橄榄油,放进烤箱。 Place on baking paper in a tray, sprinkle chilli flakes on top, if desired. Spray with olive oil. Bake for 20 minutes.

步骤 4

烤二十分钟后取出,翻面。如果需要,再洒辣椒,并喷上橄榄油,再烤20分钟。完成~ Carefully turn salmon over, add more chilli flakes, if desired, and spray with oil. Bake for a further 20 minutes. 鱼皮脆的不得了,撒一点干香料,等一会儿就被吸满了油,超有食欲~ (❛ᴗ❛人)✧

菜谱创建时间:2018-07-17 20:31:09