Tilapia Fish Tacos 罗非鱼墨西哥卷饼的做法

Tilapia Fish Tacos 罗非鱼墨西哥卷饼

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作者: daisy的笔记


Tilapia Fish Tacos 罗非鱼墨西哥卷饼的做法步骤

步骤 1

Bring the water, vinegar and sugar to a boil. In a bowl, cover the raddish slices with the hot liquid and allow to cool off at room temperature. Keep cold in the walk-in. 在锅中放入糖和醋,加水烧开。倒入装有切好红萝卜薄片的碗中,将萝卜盖住。等水冷却后放入冰箱冷藏。

步骤 2

Slice the fish fillet into quarters. Combine all the ingredients in the marinade together and allow the fish to marinade for about 30 minutes.将鱼切块,加入所有腌料腌制约30分钟。

步骤 3

In a food processor, blend together all the ingredients for the avocado mousse. Place the mousse in a pastry bag and cool in the walk-in. 混合所有牛油果慕斯酱放入食物处理品中打至顺滑后装入裱花袋中放入冰箱。

步骤 4

Slice the cabbage and dress it with lime juice, cilantro,salt and olive oil. Set in the walk in. 将卷心菜切细线后用青柠汁、香菜碎、盐和橄榄油混合的酱汁浇上,放入冰箱。

步骤 5

Heat vegetable oil in a sauce pan. Combine the flour, salt and pepper for the beer batter. Gradually add the beer and whisk together so no lumps form. 将蔬菜油在锅中加热。混合面粉、盐、黑椒粉来做啤酒浆。慢慢加入啤酒以防形成面团,用叉子搅拌均匀。

步骤 6

Coat the fish in the batter.Once oil is hot enough, fry the fish to a golden brown. Allow the fish to drain off on a paper towel lined sheet pan.将腌好的鱼块均匀地裹上浆。待锅中的油热好(插入勺可以看见有小泡泡从木勺边冒出),放入鱼块炸至金黄。炸好后的鱼块滤油后放在铺好厨房纸巾的烤盘上沥干油分。

步骤 7

Assemble the tacos on house-made tortillas with avocado mousse, a piece of fish, cabbage slaw, more avocado mousse, pickled radish and fresh cilantro. 将所有准备好的材料取出,先用牛油果慕斯挤在卷饼上,放入一块炸鱼,摆上卷心菜丝沙拉,再挤一些牛油果慕斯,然后再放上腌萝卜,最后用香菜碎装饰。

步骤 8

Serve with lime wedges.装盘后再摆上青柠檬块。

菜谱创建时间:2018-04-02 12:25:41