Sift the flour and salt into the bowl. Add the sugar, yeast, oil and 250ml (9 floz) warm water, fit the dough hook and knead on speed 1 for 1 1/2 minutes to form a dough. Then knead on speed 2 for 3 minutes.
Remove the bowl. Cover with a lightly oiled sheet of clear - film and leave in a warm place for about 1 hour, until dough is well risen and doubled in size.
Fit bowl and dough hook and knead on speed 2 for 1 minute. Add the walnuts, figs and chopped thyme and knead on speed min for 1 minute.
Remove the dough from the bowl and knead in any loose nuts. Then cut in half and shape into oval loaves. Place on a lightly oiled baking sheet, well spaced apart. Brush with walnut oil and push in a few fresh thyme sprigs. Place in a warm place for about 30-40 minutes, until well risen and doubled in size.
Preheat the oven to 220°C, 425°F, Gas Mark 7. Bake the bread for 30-40 minutes.