
spinich pesto veggie pizza 菠菜香蒜酱蔬菜披萨

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作者: 达达尼央
除了mamamia的玛格丽特 至今吃过最好吃、健康的披萨 Krista的菜谱咯 饼底的量是至少四个的(如果底薄点可以做6个)其他的量是四个的


spinich pesto veggie pizza 菠菜香蒜酱蔬菜披萨的做法步骤

步骤 1

test yeast, 1 tsp of sugar added to yeast and add a quarter cup of warm hot water, wait 5 min see if rise

步骤 2

Mix the dough in a bowl with all ingredients added, should be rather sticky

步骤 3

Knead the mixture into a whole uniform dough on a floured surface (flour white) Don't overwork the dough! Until only slightly sticky (add flour if necessary

步骤 4

Warm bowl wait for it to rise (cover with towel) Takes >1 hour until double size

步骤 5

Slightly knead the dough, divide into 4 even pieces and roll it out into circles Make it a little larger than the pizza baking plate because it shrinks Use the roller to cut out excessive dough (can be frozen for next time, or make more than 4 pizzas)

步骤 6
步骤 6

Make pesto: add ingredients into food processor NOTE: only run it slightly because spinich would turn to soup if too much smashing! So try to cut the garlic a little before hand

步骤 7

Spread the pesto on the pizza, Add prosciutto (as image)

步骤 8

Dice tomato, Slice / dice mushroom Slice peppers Add olive, sundries tomatoes Slice cheese and add

步骤 9

Bake 350 Fahrenheit for 30 minutes Check to see if the crust is crisp to know if it is done

步骤 10


菜谱创建时间:2017-09-17 09:12:45