
【生酮ketogenic】西兰花切达奶酪汤 低碳水

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作者: Llawlietp
转载自http://www.tasteaholics.com/recipes/lunch-recipes/broccoli-cheddar-soup/ 食谱是4份的用量。 1 tbsp=15 ml 1 tsp=5 ml 1 oz=28 g 1 cup = 16 tbsp = 48 tsp = 240 ml Macros per 1.5 cup serving: • 370 Calories • 32g of Fat • 11g of Protein • 8g of Net Carbs 每1.5杯: • 370卡路里 • 32g脂肪 • 11g蛋白质 • 8g净碳水化合物


【生酮ketogenic】西兰花切达奶酪汤 低碳水的做法步骤

步骤 1

Start off by heating a large soup pot with a tablespoon of butter. Saute the onion and garlic until they are fragrant and the onion is translucent. 首先在大汤锅中加热一汤匙黄油。炒洋葱和大蒜,炒出香味以及洋葱变为半透明。

步骤 2

Then add your cream, broth (chicken, beef, veggie, doesn't matter), and water. Let this come to a boil. You may season in this step, we used plenty of salt, pepper and paprika. 然后加入奶油汤(鸡肉、牛肉、蔬菜、都可以),和水。煮沸。你可以在这一步中调味,我们使用了一些盐,胡椒粉和辣椒粉。

步骤 3

While it's boiling, but up or rip your broccoli into florets and measure out 12 oz. This should be about 4-6 cups depending on the size of your florets. Place the florets into the boiling soup broth and reduce to a simmer. Let the broccoli cook for 25 minutes. 当汤沸腾时,西兰花切小朵,量12盎司。大约4 - 6杯,取决于西兰花小朵的大小。把西兰花放入沸腾的汤中,汤汁慢慢减少。让西兰花煮25分钟。

步骤 4

Once the broccoli is cooked, add 8 oz. of cheddar cheese and stir until it is melted through. We used cubed cheese, but shredded would work better as it will melt a bit faster. 当西兰花煮熟,加如8盎司的切达干酪,搅拌至融化。我们用了方奶酪,但碎的奶酪更好,因为它会融化的快一点。

步骤 5

After the cheese is melted, turn off the heat. Either pour the contents of the soup into a large blender and blend until smooth or use an immersion blender. We recommend using the immersion blender because it saves you washing another appliance as you can blend right in the soup pot. 奶酪融化后,关火。把汤倒进一个搅拌器搅拌直到顺滑。

步骤 6
步骤 6

While blending, add in 1/4 tsp of xanthan gum, a little at a time. The soup should begin to thicken. 搅拌时,加入1/4茶匙的黄原胶,过一会儿,汤会开始变浓稠。

步骤 7

Enjoy with a sprinkle of more cheddar cheese! 撒一些切达奶酪,享用吧!

【生酮ketogenic】西兰花切达奶酪汤 低碳水的小贴士

Imagine Organic Beef Broth https://www.amazon.com/Imagine-Organic-Broth-Sodium-Ounce/dp/B004T33CC2/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1435122779&sr=8-3&keywords=beef+broth&linkCode=sl1&tag=tasteaholic09-20&linkId=XLFHVPR25OJZHYKD Mccormick Paprika https://www.amazon.com/McCormick-Mccormick-Paprika-18-Ounce/dp/B008OGCQYK/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1435123923&sr=8-1&keywords=paprika&pebp=1435123921736&perid=00PS34VK8VVCHEY6WC9F&linkCode=sl1&tag=tasteaholic09-20&linkId=RXZIQEZAAGMWHRN3

菜谱创建时间:2016-10-09 17:25:00