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作者: FiSweet
有吃過英國的牧羊人派(sheperd pie)跟cottage pie嗎? 這個意粉焗薯蓉派跟它們差不多, 上面是馬鈴薯蓉, 下面是肉酱意粉



步骤 1

Wash all the ingredients. Dice the onions and tomatoes. 洗净材料。 洋葱切小粒,番茄切丁備用。

步骤 2

Pour oil into the pan and heat it up. Add the diced onions into the pan . 鍋中放入油後倒入洋蔥炒出香味。

步骤 3

Add in the minced meat and fry until the colour changes. Add in the diced tomatoes. Stir well then close the lid. Cook until the tomato juice starts coming out. Add salt. 倒入肉末,炒散至變色,接著放入番茄丁。 翻炒均勻後蓋上鍋蓋煮一小會待番茄煮開始出水。加入適量的鹽調味。

步骤 4

Stir in the tomato pasta sauce to cook with the pasta. Add in black pepper, basil, salt and sugar. 再倒入適量的番茄意粉醬拌勻同炒。 接著加入黑胡椒粉,羅勒,適量的糖和鹽。

步骤 5

Turn to high heat and cook until the sauce becomes thick. When it's done, put the pasta into the baking tray. While cooking the pasta, boil the potatoes. Skin and mash them while they are stilll hot. 開大火把湯汁收濃稠,煮好的肉醬意粉盛起放入烤盤 在煮意粉的同時, 把馬鈴薯煮熟,去皮趁熱壓成泥。

步骤 6
步骤 6

Mix butter, milk, salt and pepper into the mashed potatoes. 馬鈴薯泥加牛油、牛奶、鹽、胡椒粉混合拌勻備用。

步骤 7

Cover all the pasta with a layer of mashed potatoes on top of the pasta. Use the fork to create some pattern on top. 在意粉上鋪上滿滿一層馬鈴薯泥,整個覆蓋住肉醬。 用叉子在表面刮劃出紋路。

步骤 8

Put into the oven which is preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for 20 mins until the top layer is golden colour. 放進預熱到200度的烤箱,烤20分鐘至表面微焦上色即可。


* Before putting into the oven, you can sprinkle some shredded mozzarella cheese on top. 放進烤箱前,可在馬鈴薯泥表面鋪上馬蘇里拉芝士 * You can choose to use any kind of minced meat. 肉末可以用羊肉、牛肉、豬肉自己喜歡的肉類 * You can also add in boiled peas, corn or diced carrots. 可加入燙熟的青豆、玉米粒、胡蘿蔔丁 * The portion of butter and milk need to be adjusted according to the moisture level of the mashed potatoes. 薯泥中黃油和牛奶的用量要根據馬鈴薯的干濕度做調整 * 想看看平常我都在煮些什麽的, 可以follow我的instagram @fisweet 或者查看我的instagram hastag #fisweetcookery

菜谱创建时间:2014-03-18 07:26:07