
香兰椰子奶油小蛋糕 Pandan coconut butter mini cake

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作者: wlhoh
无法抗拒它的香味,小时候家后院种了一片香兰,随手一拔就煮出一道香喷喷的甜品,它也许只是配角,但缺它不可。 就如这张照片似的,被坏坏的拍摄者‘摆与弄’一下,主角配角大交换。 花茶虽成了主角,而椰香兰牛油小蛋糕 (Pandan coconut butter mini cake) 聪明的知道谁也不争宠, 默默地散发它们独特诱人的香味


香兰椰子奶油小蛋糕 Pandan coconut butter mini cake的做法步骤

步骤 1

1。烤箱预热至170或180'c 1.Preheat the oven to 170 or 180’c

步骤 2

2。用电动搅拌器把奶油,砂糖一起打直到轻和浓稠。慢慢的加入鸡蛋,然后加香草精,香兰汁和香兰精,每次加入后拌匀。 2. Beat the butter, sugar together with electric beaters until light and creamy. Add the eggs, on at a time, add vanilla extract, pandan juice and pandan essence, beating well after each addition.

步骤 3

3。筛入面粉和椰奶交替的倒入步骤2的成分里。 3. Sift the flours together and fold in alternately with the coconut milk into ingredient step 2.

步骤 4

4。平均分配混合物倒入容器或纸杯。撒上椰丝在混合物。烤15分钟或用叉子插入蛋糕的中心,直到叉子干净为至。 4. Divide the mixture evenly among the case or paper cup. Sprinkle desiccated coconut on the mixture. Bake for 15mins or until a skewer comes out clean when inserted into the centre of a cake.

步骤 5

5。转移到架上晾凉。 5.Transfer onto a wire rack to cool.

菜谱创建时间:2014-03-06 21:41:08