Firepuff 做过


阴郁缓慢的上午和傍晚,不知不觉居然习惯了这里的冰牛奶麦片,学会体会黄油融化在餐刀的齿与吐司硬脆表面之间的滋味,学会不再搭理营养比例的胡乱正餐、之后逃不掉的甜点。在空调温度极低的房间湿着头发和脚窝在病床上,在粗糙未经漂白的纸巾上漂浮又刺入般写字。晚餐时我的天使Amanda又来探望我了,还带来了两本黑白摄影集、一本法语杂志和Bronte sisters的诗集,以便文字使我无聊时能有些视觉慰藉。「I never get bored as I feel that the texture of my own time and space is just like they are behind the filter of the stream-of-consciousness literature... Like what is captured in the words of  Woolf or Proust, and poems of Charles Baudelaire. The beautiful weather after the rain these days also reminds me of the long long summer in <Brideshead revisited>. I also enjoy imagining and visualizing in my mind about your description of……」 #晚餐•2018年8月13日##腐国食记#

