
腌|醉虾Liquor Saturated Shrimp

9.5万人浏览 6284人收藏 13人做过
作者: 喜迷李
难度指数🌟 味蕾挑战🌟🌟🌟🌟 美味指数🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 虾肉嫩滑若丝绸,醉酒香味浸人心。 鲜活虾仁泡酒中,香气融合醉酒深。 碗中酒灼舞虾跳,香醇飘溢醉美梦。 品尝一口欣然醉,美味醉虾赞无穷。 Drunken Shrimp is a delightful dish featuring tender shrimp marinated in alcohol. The fresh shrimp absorbs the flavors of the marinade, resulting in a fragrant and intoxicating aroma. Served hot, it is a flavorful and satisfying dish that is loved by many.


腌|醉虾Liquor Saturated Shrimp的做法步骤

步骤 1

备食材:首先将新鲜的小河虾冲洗干净沥水放大玻璃碗里;然后将小葱切葱花,蒜末姜末,小米椒切碎;接着把葱姜末另放入一个大碗,加入5勺生抽4勺香醋3勺蚝油和适量白砂糖搅拌均匀;最后向小河虾里直接倒入白酒和花雕酒,配比1:3,盖上腌制5分钟左右。 Prepare the ingredients: First, rinse the fresh small river shrimps and drain them, then put them in a large glass bowl. Next, chop the scallions into small pieces, mince the garlic and ginger, and finely chop the small chili peppers. Then, put the minced scallions and ginger in another large bowl, add 5 tablespoons of soy sauce, 4 tablespoons of vinegar, 3 tablespoons of oyster sauce, and some white sugar. Mix well. Finally, pour white wine and huadiao wine directly into the small river shrimps, with a ratio of 1:3, cover and marinate for about 5 minutes.

步骤 2

在小河虾表面铺上备好的所有的葱姜蒜料汁,裹上保鲜膜腌制20分钟后即可食,最佳食用时间是腌制1小时后呦! Spread all the prepared onion, ginger, garlic sauce on the surface of the river prawns, wrap them with plastic wrap, marinate for 20 minutes, and then they can be eaten. The best time to eat is after marinating for 1 hour.

菜谱创建时间:2021-04-04 10:35:58