將所有干料倒入大盆,稍微混勻後add all dry ingredients in a big bowl and mix
加入黃油丶牛奶、雞蛋丶葡萄乾和橙皮碎,用機器或手揉成較光滑麵團。如果用手揉的話,最起碼要10分鐘。add butter, milk, egg, raisins and orange zest, mix and knead until smooth
放入盆中,蓋上保鮮膜。置於溫暖無風的環境進行第一次發酵。約需時四十分鐘左右。cover dough with cling film and let it prove in warm place until doubled, for about 40 minutes
麵團一倍大以後,稍微排氣,均分成12小塊,分別整成圓球形放入30x20釐米左右的烤盤。then punch the air out and divide it into 12 small balls, lay them into a baking tray ideally 30x20cm.
蓋上保鮮膜進行第二次發酵。記得下面墊好油紙。大概需時20分鐘。cover with cling film and let them prove for the second time, around 20 minutes. Don’t forget to put the baking paper underneath
第二次發酵後麵團都緊緊挨在一起了,這時調和麵粉和水成為可輕易擠出的狀態,在上面畫十字。放入已預熱至180度的烤箱烤20-25分鐘,烤箱脾氣和烤的時間自己掌握。mix the flour and water into a thin paste and make Cross on top of the doughs. Bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes at 180 Celsius.
想要更漂亮的話,在表面塗上杏桃果醬或蜂蜜。😋記得與家人丶朋友分享哦 brush the top with apricot jam or honey to make the glaze, then enjoy! Happy Easter!
麵團是應該濕軟的,加粉的話加到不粘手即可,否則麵包會不夠松軟。the dough is a bit wet and sticky, you can add a bit flour when kneading but not too much, so the buns will be soft and fluffy.