
椰汁西米露🤗椰香十足 照步骤來做不失败!

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作者: ZengZL


椰汁西米露🤗椰香十足 照步骤來做不失败!的做法步骤

步骤 1

首先准备西米冰糖椰浆。 First prepare sago rock and sugar and coconut milk.

步骤 2

开水煮沸,记得水是西米的10倍量。 Boiling water ,Remember that there is 10 times as much water as sago.

步骤 3

把西米放入沸水。 Put sago in boiling water.

步骤 4

记得定时搅拌,防止糊底。 Remember to stir regularly to prevent paste.

步骤 5

然后可以中火或者小火。煮到半小时左右。 Then it can be on medium or low heat. Cook for about half an hour.

步骤 6
步骤 6

看到西米中间少少的白色点点,关火闷煮5分钟。See the white spots in the middle of the sago, turn off the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

步骤 7

然后加入15克冰糖与椰浆混合,再加入500毫升的水煮到全部混合。 Then add 15 grams of rock sugar and coconut milk, and add 500ml of water to boil until combined.

步骤 8

最后装盘。 Plate up at the end.

步骤 9

在想吃的时候把西米和椰漿同时倒入碗里面。就可以完成椰香味十足的西米露。喜欢的话可以自己在加一点芒果肉喲。 Pour sago and coconut milk into a bowl when desired. You can make a coconut flavored sago. If you like, you can add some mango by yourself.

椰汁西米露🤗椰香十足 照步骤來做不失败!的小贴士

记得煮西米的时候水要足喔。 Remember to boil sago in plenty of water.

菜谱创建时间:2020-03-12 17:09:37