
香煎三文鱼 salmone al broccoli

210人浏览 2人收藏 0人做过
作者: Alex大厨助手
我家大厨最常做的快手晚餐菜 our big chef's favorite quick easy dinner dish


香煎三文鱼 salmone al broccoli的做法步骤

步骤 1

西兰花清水煮好冲淋沥干备用 cook brocli in water, wash and let it dry

步骤 2

按人头切好三文鱼,热锅橄榄油后放入,鱼皮朝下,少许切片大蒜瓣塞入鱼肉中 cut salmon into big pieces, put it into hot olive oil pot,skin side down. squeeze sliced galic into fish 大火3分钟 3 minute big fire

步骤 3

开锅盖,撒入香料 uncover the pot and put into ingredins

步骤 4

撒好后把鱼翻面,再撒另外一面,文火6分钟 turn the fish over and put ingredins to the other side small fire 6 minutes

步骤 5

橄榄油加热后加入蒜末翻炒半分钟,保持大火放入西兰花翻炒 press garlic, put into hot olive oil pot for half minute. put brocli in and mix it in hot pot. all big fire 摆盘 place food into dishes

步骤 6
步骤 6

用餐 eat

步骤 7


菜谱创建时间:2019-08-30 21:56:48