将腌料中的食材全部放入碗中混合并捣碎备用Mix and grate all the za'atar spices, set aside
将鸡从胸口剪开成蝴蝶状Cut along the side of the chicken spine with shears and break it open
将腌料粉洒在鸡内侧、甜椒粉和姜黄粉洒在鸡外皮,揉搓均匀Sprinkle salt and the za'atar mixture inside the chicken, flip it over and sprinkle the paprika, turmeric on the other side
大号平底锅中火烧油,鸡皮朝下煎鸡肉至外皮焦黄即可,鸡内侧无需煎制,取出鸡备用Heat the oven or large pan to medium heat, sear the chicken, skin side down until the skin has crisped(about 3-6minutes), remove the chicken from the pot and set aside
香葱切大段,放入煎锅鸡的锅中随意翻炒几下,放入八角、桂皮和金桔(金桔需要用牙签扎孔,没有金桔就换成柠檬块)翻炒均匀Add chopped green onion, cumquats, star anise, cinnamon sticks and stir until fragrant(about 1-2minutes)
大蒜对半切开放入锅中,放入大米,倒入能淹没大米的水量,煮至水沸腾稍微搅拌均匀Cut 1 head of garlic, halved along its equator, add the rice, toast it for about 1 minute, add enough water to cover the rice
将鸡内侧朝下放回锅中,盖上锅盖小火焖煮25-35分钟(15分钟时查看一下状态决定最终时间)Return the chicken to the pot skin side up, cover and cook for 25-35 minutes on low heat(check at 15 minutes and decide the cooking time)
*漆树粉英文名叫Sumac,t宝可买到,喜欢中东或者北非香料的盆友们可以常备 *这道菜吃的时候可以搭配以色列沙拉,整体做法和味道和墨西哥salsa很像,味道清爽适合搭配肉类