
Cream of Mushroom Soup 奶油蘑菇汤

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作者: daisy的笔记


Cream of Mushroom Soup 奶油蘑菇汤的做法步骤

步骤 1

Heat the butter in a pot over medium heat. 在锅中将黄油加热。

步骤 2

Sweat the onions and mushrooms, but do not brown. 将黄油煸香,不要炒到焦黄。

步骤 3

Reserve a few pieces of mushroom for garnish. 取出几片蘑菇装饰用。

步骤 4

Add the flour and make a white roux. 加入面粉搅拌成白色面糊。

步骤 5

Add the stock and bring the soup to a boil. Turn it down to a simmer and let cook until the vegetables are tender. 加入高汤烧开,关小火慢煮直至蔬菜变软。

步骤 6
步骤 6

Puree the soup and then pass it through a china cap to get a smooth consistency. 将汤用电动搅拌器搅打并用粗目滤勺过滤成顺滑的糊状汤。

步骤 7

Heat the cream. Add the cream to the soup at the end to get the desired consistency. 将奶油加热加入汤中搅拌直至得到想要的稠度。

步骤 8

Season to taste and garnish with reserved mushrooms and fresh parsley. 加盐和胡椒粉调味并用蘑菇片和香叶装饰。

菜谱创建时间:2018-03-09 12:17:01