
纽约芝士蛋糕New York cheese cake

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纽约芝士蛋糕New York cheese cake的做法步骤

步骤 1

将黄油放入主锅2分钟100度速度1融化黄油 Place butter into mixing bowl and melt 2min/100/speed1

步骤 2

把消化饼干放入主锅10秒速度7打碎 Add biscuits and crush 10sec/speed 7

步骤 3

把饼干碎倒入6寸加高的活底磨具中,用勺子压平压紧实,6寸磨具可以用尺子看一下,有8cm高就可以了 Spread crumb mixture into base of prepared springform tin(20cm,8cmhigh).use a spoon to press crumb mixture down firmly to make a compact layer.

步骤 4

烤箱预热180度 把奶油奶酪和糖放入主锅1分钟分钟速度5搅打 Prepare oven 180 degrees Place cream cheese and sugar into mixing bowl and mix 1min/speed 5

步骤 5

加入鸡蛋和玉米淀粉 Add eggs and corn starch

步骤 6
步骤 6

加入牛奶,淡奶油,柠檬汁2分钟速度6混合然后倒入刚刚做好饼干底的磨具中 Add milk, cream, lemon juice mix 2min/speed6 Pour cheese cake filling over crumb base

步骤 7

放入烤箱中下层,上下管加热180度,40到45分钟,放凉至室温后包好放入冰箱 冷藏2个小时。 Bake in a baking tray on the middle lower shelf of oven for 40-45mins.allow to cool to room temperature,then cover and refrigerate for at least 2hours.

步骤 8

淋面topping 吉利丁片用冰水泡软,把酸奶油放入一个大碗搅拌均匀 淡奶油和泡软的吉利丁片放入主锅2分钟80度速度2混合,然后倒入酸奶油中搅拌均匀至室温。 Soak gelatin sheet in cold water until soft and drain. Place sour cream into a big bowl. Place cream and gelatin sheet into mixing bowl mix 2mins/80 degree/speed 2. Pour the mixture into sour cream and mix until room temperature.

步骤 9

把酸奶淋面倒在芝士蛋糕顶部,蛋糕冷却以后会有自然的凹陷。冷藏至淋面凝固。大概半个小时左右 Pour it over the set cheese cake.again chill cheese cake in refrigerator,for at least half hour. Serve cold.

步骤 10

Serve cold

步骤 11


菜谱创建时间:2017-11-26 13:49:18