
红酒烩鸡Coq Au Vin(烤箱版)

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出自Delicious Magazine系列丛书One-pot Recipes 烤箱版,配料也比较多。味道浓郁。 Serves 4 30分钟准备,30分钟烤制,加上隔夜腌制冷却


红酒烩鸡Coq Au Vin(烤箱版)的做法步骤

步骤 1

将红酒和白兰地倒入锅中,沸煮5分钟直到液体蒸发了三分之一。静置。 Pour the wine and brandy into a pan and boil for 5 minutes, until reduced by a third. Set aside.

步骤 2

将洋葱放在碗里并倒入开水,静置5分钟后擦干,剥开并切成两半。与芹菜、萝卜、蒜瓣、月桂叶和百里香一起放入碗中与鸡肉混合。 Place the onions in a bowl, pour over boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Drain, cool, peel and halve. Put in a bowl with the chicken, celery, carrots, garlic, bay and thyme.

步骤 3

倒入红酒,轻微翻拌上色,加盖隔夜冷却。 Pour over the wine, turn to coat. Cover and chill overnight, turning occasionally.

步骤 4

第二天,烤箱预热180度。捞出并擦干鸡肉,保留红酒。用面粉包裹鸡肉。 The next day, preheat the oven to 180℃/fan 160℃/gas 4. Drain the chicken, reserving the wine. Pat dry the chicken on kitchen paper. Toss in the seasoned flour to coat.

步骤 5

在砂锅中中火加热黄油和橄榄油。加入咸猪肉炒3-4分钟直到金黄。捞出放置一边。 Heat the oil and butter in a large casserole over a medium heat. Add the pancetta and cool, stirring occasionally, for 3-4 minutes, until golden. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.

步骤 6
步骤 6

将鸡肉平铺于砂锅中翻炒5分钟,直到表面金黄。捞出放置一边。 Add the chicken to the hot casserole (in a snug, single layer), and cook for 5 minutes, turning occasionally, until browned all over. Remove and set aside.

步骤 7

加入沥干的蔬菜和香料,一边煮一边搅拌3-4分钟。加入1汤匙面粉,煮1分钟,然后慢慢地加入红酒。用盐和胡椒调味,加入鸡肉和咸猪肉,加热至沸腾。 Add the drained vegetables and herbs to the casserole with the mushrooms and cook, stirring, for 3-4 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon flour, cook for 1 minute, then slowly stir in the wine. Season, return the chicken and pancetta to the pan, and bring to the boil.

步骤 8

加盖或者包上锡纸在烤箱中烤30分钟。出炉后用欧芹点缀,佐土豆泥上桌。 Cover and cook in the oven for 30 minutes. Garnish with parsley and serve with mash.

红酒烩鸡Coq Au Vin(烤箱版)的小贴士

吃剩的可以放入冰箱中冷冻,最长可以保存3个月。要解冻的话在室温中放10小时,或者在冷藏柜中放24小时。吃前在烤箱中加热至沸腾就好了。 不过我们中国人一般没有这个习惯,还是新鲜的好。

菜谱创建时间:2016-07-09 11:07:34