
【面包食验】全麦皮塔饼 whole wheat pita bread

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作者: 一月食验室
皮塔饼又叫口袋面包,因为高温膨胀,中间形成了一个大空洞,打开来就可以塞很多东西!这东欧的面包真的超级方便!下次要配鹰嘴豆泥来吃! 这次也是为了要做“面包圣经”的作业,刚好晚餐辉哥要吃墨西哥菜,我就把面团给揉起来! 还没有用天然酵母做过,这次时间紧凑,就用了直接发! 重点:我又一次不要脸拍了视频😝 视频链接: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ2Njk5NDIxMg==.html?sharefrom=iphone&from=timeline&isappinstalled=1&x


【面包食验】全麦皮塔饼 whole wheat pita bread的做法步骤

步骤 1

将所有材料混合均匀。成团后,揉面,揉到表面光滑,但是还是有点粘手! Mix all the ingredients , till hold together , knees the dough till smooth , but still a bit sticky!

步骤 2

容器里均匀抹上橄榄油,把面团放进去,标出高度,室温发酵到2倍大。 Prepare a tall container, coat with olive oil, put the dough in , mark the hight, proof till double In Velum

步骤 3

取出面团,摊平,分割成8等份,滚圆,盖上湿布,放松20分钟。 Pour the dough on the counter , cut in 8 even pieces , shape into 8 balls. Cover with a damp cloth , let it relax for 20mins

步骤 4

面团擀成圆型,完成后,再擀一次,厚度约0.5公分!把擀好的面饼放在烤盘上,松弛20分钟。 Roll the dough into round shape, when finished all 8 pieces , roll them again , about 0.5cm thick. Place the pita dough on an oven pan, rest for about 20mins

步骤 5

烤箱与石板250度一起预热,没有石板的话用烤盘的背面! Preheat the oven 250 C with a pizza stone, you can use any oven pan to replace the stone.

步骤 6
步骤 6

面团放入烤箱烤约5分钟。直到完全膨胀,表面有点棕色,就完成了! Bake the pita bread about 5 mins till it's all pop like balloons , here's your pita bread ready

【面包食验】全麦皮塔饼 whole wheat pita bread的小贴士

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菜谱创建时间:2016-02-07 03:30:44