鋭貝卡橙 做过


寫菜譜對我來說 有點頭大,今天認真地寫下來,這道菜是德州牛排的配菜,如果要用烤箱的話,建議你把需要烤的食品都扔進去,紅薯,玉米,只要你喜歡
Twice bake potato
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. ...
2. Slice each potato in 1/2 chunk
3. In a bowl, mash potatoes, sour cream, butter, garlic powder, salt and pepper until smooth. ...
4. Add bacon,mozzarella,cheddar cheese into mashed potato ,mixed it well !
5. Bake 40 minutes or until heated through and cheese is melted.
