axiongma 做过


Apr 18 2020
- prep the pan, preheat the oven to 375 F
- prep for dry ingredient: 1 cup of whole wheat flour, 0.5 tsp of baking soda, 1/4 tsp salt. mix them well
- room temp butter (~40g, 大拇指那么厚的一块半) mix with 2 tbsp of sugar
- add an egg, mix
- add dry ingredient, miiiiiiiiix. 我真的搅拌了好久,感觉面团越搅越硬,都像在揉面了。发现面团特别干,就又打了一个蛋
- less than 1/2 cup的chopped 70% chocolate chunk,mix
- 我一共弄了四坨dough,摆的时候还分得蛮开的,最后bake的过程中全塌下来了,还膨胀了,就全挤在一坨了
- how it tastes: 外围脆,有点butter cookie的香味。里面松软的口感,像面包。整体来说吃起来有饼干,面包和scone的口感
- 一些不足:吃久了有点干,可能到底还是饼干吧。巧克力没有melted (据说是they are partially insulated from the heat of the oven by the cookie dough
