

煎带骨牛眼牛排 教你我的秘方:Get fresh steak from Wholefood. This one was on sale and was $22. Leave the steak in room temperature for ~30min. Spray a little bit of grilling oil on the steak. Then rub the steak with salt and pepper. Heat pan until hot, add cold oil. Once oil is hot, pan sear one side of the steak until color is brown then turn side. Depending on how thick your steak is, the time to sear them will be different. Add three small chunks of butter to the pan. Once butter is melted, use a spoon to spread the butter oil on the steak, repeat until butter is absorbed in the steak. Add minced garlic, let them caramelize. Take the steak out and leave it rest. Steak is ready! Dig in!  #晚餐•2016年4月9日#

