DW 你这只LADY在我心中已经超越德普大人了啊 OMG, Rammstein!!!!!!! "It's none of my business" perfect philosophy!!! (17.04.13-20.04.13) 實現願望的時候,不要任由他人的主觀意願主宰你 No problem, my dear! 不要做咸鱼!! What would come, would come, I would have to meet it, if it did.---HP4 Life is tough, but we soldier on, and that's just the way it goes.---Community Dream is now.--- 2 Broke Girls Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. (Gail Devers, American athlete, 3-time Olympic champion in track and field, b.1966) Pursuing my dreams 31.03.2013 Suede concert Alexandra Palace, London checked! 19.04.2013 Judi Dench& Ben Whishaw (Peter and Alice) checked! 14-16.06.13 DOWNLOAD (checked)